Full rules and regulations
For full details about the rules and regulations of the event visit the Brazilian Zouk Dance Council Website.
Event entry requirements
To be part of it, you need to pay 22 Eur for your registration, we will accept only people
who already purchased a Prague Zouk Congress pass.
Key points to remember
Timing must be consistent.
Competitors should take care in the manner they interpret the selected song.
Use appropriate breaks and holds, being rhythmically in sync with the music.
Competitors must demonstrate basic timing for at least 60% of each song. This can be reflected in foundation movements, turn patterns, and others.
Brazilian Zouk motion and posture
Proper use of Brazilian Zouk Foundation movements
Correct footwork in Foundation movements and turn patterns
Fundamental dance technique (e.g footwork placement, frame, balance, etc)
Adequate use of head movements and Cambrés
The complexity of the footwork
The complexity of overall improvisation
The originality of turn patterns
Connection & synchronicity
Interaction with partners (Coordination of movements between them, lead/follow relationship)
Focus on the fluidity of the dance
Wear Shoes (Dance shoes or other comfortable shoes for dancing are allowed)
High heels are not mandatory however judges will favourably take into account the additional complexity this introduces to the dance
Wear clothes as if you were going to a social dance party – you want to stand out to the judges